Monday, November 17, 2008

Still Just Waiting

Well, I'm 39 weeks now!!! There have been about 4 other babies that were due within about a week that I am due, and they have all been born. In my anxiousness to meet me son, I feel jealous. But oh well, God's timing is perfect. So I will continue to enjoy the peace and independence until baby boy decides to make his entrance. I continue to praise God for giving me such an amazing and easy pregnancy. Great is His faithfulness to us!

Meanwhile, I went to the doc today. I'm 1 cm dialated and 50% "thinned out". WooHoo. I know 1 cm isn't alot and that it's no indication of the oncoming of labor. But hey, I'm excited!! It's progress and 1 cm that I won't have to labor through so Praise God!!! So, I'm just going to start decorating for Christmas, enjoy time with my husband, and spend time with girlfriends, eating and getting pedicures!! Thank you all for your prayers!


Anonymous said...

A little pampering sounds ideal at this time. I hope you get lots of rest over the next few days and maybe save up some for later :) Excited for you!

nancy_corson said...

hey girl,
u feel like getting together for lunch at some point this week? u know, since i get off at noon anyway... let me know. haven't seen u in a while. cant wait for ur little one to be there finally :)

Rockie said...

that would be awesome nancy. let's do it on thursday ( if baby hasn't come yet) whenever you get off. Just call me and we can make plans.

Radez Family said...

Hey Rockie! We're so excited for you guys! The last week seems like the longest, but he'll be here soon! Enjoy your relaxing times now!