Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Latest Update (No hosiptal or baby yet)

Last night at about 10, I started having some contractions. They were more painful than usual and started a pattern. They were about 4-6 minutes apart for about 1 and 1/2 hours. We called the doc and he said to wait until I had to breathe hard through each one.

At about 4 am, they were more painful but not unbearable. I could still walk and talk through them but we began the prep. I jumped in the shower, we called Luke's mom and cleaned up some last little things at home.

Then at about 6, everything started slowing down until 7 when everything stopped. We went walking and walking but they didn't pick back up. I was really frustrated.

We called the doc and they had us come in to the office. Everything looked fine and I was told I just had false labor, which I still refuse to believe.

At about 130 pm, the contractions started again. They were more painful than before but 10 minutes apart and I could still walk and talk through them. So I called my massage therapist and she got me in. We went to see her at 330. It was good and relaxing but she also worked my points to keep things going.

So we're back at the in-laws now, just waiting. They live right across the street from the hospital which is why we're tempted to just stay here, though we really wanna go to the comfort of our house. I think we'll go grab some dinner and see how things progress.

Please keep praying for us!

1 comment:

stambaughfamily said...

Come on Simon...get a move on! :) Praying for you...like everyone else. HAHA How much longer will they let you go before they schedule a c-section?