Monday, August 23, 2010

Diapers and Love

Last Saturday, my sister-in law Alinna threw me a baby shower. We were so excited that she offered to love us in this way. She titled the party Diapers and Love because, since we're having another boy, these really are the two things that we needed the most!

It was such a fun time of hanging out with women from different areas of my life and different stages of life. The Lord really used it to encourage my heart. I totally forgot to get a picture of her and I so here's a totally random one from a while years.
I had to dig a little too far back for this one, Alinna. We gotta fix this!

Anywho, here's a slideshow of the day.

We walked away with hundreds of diapers and some giftcards and also a very special knitted quilt made by a very special friend. We are so thankful for everything and everyone.
Here's the belly the day of the shower (37 weeks)And at 38 weeks. not too much difference.
and believe or not, I'm starting to get sad as I approach the end of this pregnancy, though I am very excited to meet our little man. I just love being pregnant!


ALINNA said...

oh my gosh i can't believe it's been that long since we've taken a picture together.. shame! well, we'll make it happen soon. i'm glad the shower went so well.. love you.

AnaO said...

omg!queli...i can't wait to see you. better get to walking cause you gotta have this baby while i'm you mijita!

Steven and Candi Manning said...

38 weeks! Can't believe it. You're looking just beautiful. So happy you had the encouragement from ladies who love you.