Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Belated Birthday Blog

My birthday is the day before Valentine's Day. And boy am I still a little kid when it comes to my birthday. We didn't take as many pictures as I wanted but here's a few. Luke was so great all day. He sent me on another scavenger hunt the way he did last year and it ended with a new alarm clock! I've been needing and wanting one for along time so though it may not sound very exciting to you all, I loved it! God reminded me of His love for me and my worth in Him by bringing snow on my birthday. Here's our back yard blanketed. It felt so special, like God brought the snow just for me b/c that's how much He loves me and that's how special I am to Him. We went out for story time at the library then free birthday lunch at pei wei. Luke is just so loving by letting me have what ever I want. We then came home and had a birthday nap! Then I did some birthday sewing and I finally finished Isaac's "blanket time" blanket. Check my craftblog soon to see it! Then we went out again to Target and Michael's. I had a 60% off coupon that expired that day and really wanted to use it. Again, Luke is so amazingly awesome that he just patiently walked each and every aisle with me as I decided what to buy. I consider that another birthday present. We intended on going to Red Robin for dinner but as we passed a MacDonald's Luke yelled out CHICKEN NUGGETS and I enthusiastically agreed. We love mcD's nuggets. We came home and in honor of the Olympics, watched the movie Miracle, one of my favorites. We ended up going to red robin and cold stone after church on Sunday. Isaac's birthday present to me was that God gave him a peaceful and patient heart and he was very content all day. Overall it was a great day and I felt very loved by my family and by my sweet husband.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you guys, and I'm SO glad your birthday was a special one!! I miss you!!