Friday, March 28, 2008

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!!

Easter is our (mostly mine) second favorite holiday next to Christmas. I looked forward to it with great anticipation and Luke and I spent time preparing for the day both in the Word and in the community.
Easter for us started about the weekend before Easter at Providence's Easter Egg Hunt for Raleigh Gardens. We were in charge of tatooing the kids but had to have alittle fun for ourselves first. Plus, Luke had never applied those removable tatoos and needed practice.
All the tatoos were Easter Tatoos and said things like Peace, or His is Risen with lambs and doves. Not too tough, but still fun!The one on my hand is an Easter Egg with a lamb in it!! It was fun and boy were there alot of kids. All the kids wanted tatoos and some on their foreheads, which was funny becuase water just ran down their faces, but they didn't mind. Look at this cute little girl after she found her treat bag and eggs:It was alot of fun for us and we hope for the kids. The most important thing is that every kid that came to play got a chance to hear the gospel. What fun!
We spent the week focusing on Holy Week and following Christ's journey through Jerusalem and to the cross. We were also thinking about where we were for Easter last year, in London.

This was All Souls Church, in London where Christine went when she lived there. We sure did miss being in Europe and were reminded of how blessed we were to be able to have that opportunity.

Saturday was spent baking my little heart out with my new cookie press for some Easter Cookies. I went for Gusto and 2 hrs into the 4 hr process, I was banging my head into the wall screaming, "what was I thinking?!"But the end result was worth it for me and for my husband.

Here's the stinky part of the story: After church, we came back to the house to get Missy and some table decorations quickly before having to get to my in-laws for Easter lunch. We got there and started to decorate and then it hit me: I FORGOT THE COOKIES AT HOME! I was soooo bummed out. Just like the Little Rascals movie quote says, "All this work for nothing!" oh well, I took them to work and my kids ate them all. Luke also helped me decorate the table in a very Easter and Spring way. After lunch, we all just relaxed and chilled. Luke and Catherine played some basket ball and I just sat and talked to Luke's mom and played with the dogs. We did get some Easter pictures in though. And just one more thing, for those of you who frequented the Mehaffie home during our college years remember that nothing in the house ever changed. EVER! Well, that streak is over. It's changed (or in the process of!)The wall paper is coming down and the paint is going up. She chose a shade of green! Sorry Sharon for posting your unclean undone kitchen for all the world to see! HeHe!

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Beth said...

I've TOTALLY been to All Souls! I went when I was there at New Year's last year. So neat. I didn't know you had a blog! I shall read it henceforth.