Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Craving Fulfilled!

Since day 1 of this pregnancy, I think, I've craved a donut almost EVERYDAY!!! This craving has remained unfulfilled because:

#1- usually crave it at about 10 at night when there's no donut places open
#2- we don't really live near any donut places and
#3- I shouldn't be eating a donut that late anyway

Well, FINALLY!! a trip to Dunkin Donuts! I could've eaten a whole dozen of these BY MYSELF, I'm sure, but I had some self-control and only ate 1!

Here's me at 29 weeks. Still feeling great. I just LOVE being pregnant!


Anonymous said...

You look SO beautiful!

David & Amy Bunge said...

You look absolutely beautiful, Rockie. And so happy :). I am glad you are doing well.

melissa said...

hey missy