Friday, April 4, 2008

Friends to Visit and a New Tradition

The weekend hasn't quite started yet and we've alreay had a handful of visitors. But that's okay because that's the way that we like it. We've also decided to start a new tradition. We've started to take a picture of everyone who comes to visit sitting on our big red chair.

First, on Thursday, we had Ben and Mary come over for dinner. They are friends from our Sunday School class at church.
This was our first time having quality time with them and we had a lot of fun. It was also my first time making beef stew. Everyone seemed to enjoy.

Then the Bryant family (minus daddy) came to visit. They live in Washington State but mom's family is here in Raleigh. Rachel and Jared are high school friends of Luke's, but they're my friends now too. They have twin 1yr. old boys, Jackson and Jaden and they are super sweet. Last time we "saw" them, they were in mommy's belly! They are on the move. We tried to baby proof our home as much as we could but they still find ways to get to things. We were worried how Missy would react to these little people crawling around everywhere. She was actually really good and just sniffing and exploring. She appeared to be on a rollercoaster ride of calm and scared. If the boys were being carried, she was jumping and barking. If they were playing with loud toys, she would get super anxious and go hide behind Luke. Everywhere the boys crawled, she ran right after them. Jaden even touched her right in her face and she was fine, which is really great for Missy. Overall, we were very proud of her.

Rachel was great about Missy and everything. I truly believe that God makes moms of twin boys with extra amounts of EVERYTHING!!!Fun times were had by all! It was great to finally meet you Jackson and Jaden!!


Rachel said...

Luke is hairless!

Rockie said...

SERIOUSLY!!! He did it one night after I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was like, AHHHH!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious that he did it while you were sleeping!!!

Rockie said...

I think he know how much I would protest and throw those clippers into the TOILET!!!!