Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Those Pearlie Whites!

Today was a big day! Isaac had his first dentist check up! We have talked about with Isaac for a few weeks and have been practicing "dentist" at home! Luke took Simon on a buddy-buddy while we were there.
Waiting to go in! He's not scared yet, he just has a scared "cheese" face:)
I went first and the hygienist was really nice and explained everything to Isaac while he was sitting watching me.
Now it's his turn. He's a little scared now. Notice the tissue to wipe his little tears. Scared but brave. We're so proud.
Counting teeth...

Still a little scared but following directions really well, and polite as ever with his no-thank you's.
He did it!! Now it's time to choose his toothbrush.
Isaac did so so great! She even flossed his teeth and he just sat there. The dentist came in and counted his teeth again. Isaac flat out told him "I'm scared of you." Funny boy. But when the dentist put on his "cool Batman glasses" it was all better. 

We are very proud of him. Whenever he did get scared, I would ask him, "what should you do if you feel scared?" He said with his whimpering voice, "I will say to Jesus, Jesus please help me not be scared." Amen.

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