Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Oh thanksgiving! the best part is that Gammie and Aunt Marilyn come to visit. We only get to see them once maybe twice a year and it is such a treat. They even took time to come see our new home. We were so excited and honored by that. My crock pot Mac-n-cheese bombed, but people still ate it!!! I also made some pumpkin pudding. Click here to see pics and the recipe. I had alot of fun hanging out in the kitchen with Aunt Marilyn with our matching aprons (unplanned) and hearing about what Thanksgiving on the farm where she grew up. Here are some pictures from our day. Our first Thanksgiving with Isaac (don't you love the candle in my face!)Isaac getting ready to feastWith Gammie & Aunt MarilynIt's always easy to be thankful for the good things: my salvation in Jesus, my amazing husband, my precious son, and our wonderful home that God gave to us. But how much do we share and are truly thankful for the hardships in our lives? The pain that keeps us in bondage? This year, I am thankful for that. Not with a cheerful, or joyful heart yet, but one day. I am so thankful for the deeper and truer way that the Lord has revealed Himself to me through earthly hardships, helping me to discover in a deep deep way who I am in Him, why He loves me when I so often feel so unlovable, but most of all, my WORTH in Him. This is my worth: that Jesus poured out His blood for me. God is revealing this to me, not in the cliche' way we so often tend to, but in the way that keeps me going day to day. In the way that causes me to run to Him for safety and shelter. So, for all this, I am thankful. Thank you Lord for saving me and that one day I will be with you in Heaven, worshiping only You!

"Holy Holy Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.
With all creation I sing, Praise to the King of Kings!
You are my everything, and I will Adore you"
--Revelation Song

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