Friday, April 22, 2011

Palm Tuesday?

Well, on Sunday we were making our way back from the beach and Monday was recovery. I know, excuses, excuses. So we had Palm Tuesday instead.

First we read the story in Isaac's little Bible.Then, we pretended that Missy was a donkey! Doesn't she just look thrilled?

I cut some Palm Leaves out of green construction paper and we started waving them (that's why they're blurry in the picture).
Isaac knew exactly what to do with the leaves because we had been practicing at other times with the resurrection eggs and with some friends. He had a good time and couldn't stop telling Luke at dinner that Missy was a donkey :)


Joey G said...
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Steven and Candi Manning said...

Love his sweet little voice and what a great way to teach. Our Larry Pup may just have to be a donkey next year!

Andrea said...

Missy as a donkey?! Hilarious, creative, and completely awesome.