Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's Happened....

After two short years of life (only one of which he's been talking), this brown-eyed cutie, finally did it....he belted out.........


To whom you may ask? Not to this super adorable, cheeky, I could just eat him, little brother of his. oh this other beloved family memberYup...MissyGirl. What's she gonna do with his bike anyway? C'mon Isaac!

Anywho, I was stunned and saddened. I know this is a normal phrase for toddlers but Isaac has seriously not said this. Well, I guess once he did but he was just repeating another little person who had just said it.

So obviously, I immediately intervened, even if it was just to Missy. I wanted to teach him that this is a very unkind thing to say. Thank God for being with me in this teachable moment who brought Psalm 24:1 to mind. (Of course I didn't know it was Psalm 24:1 at the time). It reads,

"The earth is the LORD'S and everything in it"

I went word by word with Isaac asking him to repeat me and told him that the bike belongs to God and it's our joy to let others play with the things that God has given us. We'll see.......

But this is certainly going to be our memory verse for a while. And we're just going to trust God with changing his heart.

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