Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pool Day

This may be the last time that we get to go to the pool .....EVER! For one, it's going to close next weekend, and two, we're moving next weekend. We'll sure miss having a free pool at our disposal. We went early so it wasn't hot at all. Isaac needed a pool picture to put in his scrapbook which is the main reason we went. Here are other pics. (Note to self: get more family together pics!)

Here's the boy and the dad:
I love Isaac's face in this one. He's all "What now?" He has such a big boy face.Here's the boy and the mom:And in case you haven't noticed, he just wasn't into smiling today. But still so kissable!
This one I'm adding only because it's my favorite outfit on him. It's on it's last though....chunky monkey it about to bust out of it.

1 comment:

Steven and Candi Manning said...

They don't get much cuter than your Isaac.