Being a stay-at-home mom is so great and special, but honestly, can get lonely some days. And there are those weeks that you just don't get out of the house. Blah. But, there are alot of places that I can go and have fun, and more importantly, are free! REcently, I decided to take Isaac to the PetSmart down the street. I don't know about your local PetSmart, but ours (on Capital Blvd.) has all kinds of fun animals inside. And it has a doggy daycare. The dogs playroom has a wall window (if that makes sense, the wall is one huge glass wall) and Isaac loves standing there watching all the dogs play. Here's a picture on him pointing at the huge white dog. Don't worry, there is a window in between them.
Also, these are all pics from my cell phone, which is why they might be a bit fuzzy. Next we make it over to the fish tanks. I didn't get a picture here but I'll tell you, he was amazed. After that we go on over to the rodent cages where we see a big rat:
and the hamsters. Isaac just stared at both, and laughed when they came right up to him.
Then come the birds. Isaac doesn't usually seem all that interested in them.
At the end, we make our way over to the reptiles, with frogs, snakes and lizards. Eek! I didn't get a picture here either but I don't think he liked these either. When he saw the lizards he slowly backed away. It was funny to see. Then on the way out, we always stop by the dogs again. You could last a good 30-45 minutes in there. I really enjoy going. It may become a weekly outing for us. And really, in a toddler's mind, it's just the same as the zoo, and in a parent's mind, it's alot cheaper and closer than the zoo.
And here's one more picture just because he's so cute!