Wednesday, July 27, 2011

spaghetti anyone?!

spaghetti anyone?!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Isaac's First Super Summer Adventure

That's what Providence calls vacation Bible school. They did it differently this year by having it in different people's back yard's all summer long instead of one week at church. I was excited to take Isaac. Here are some pictures. They're taken with my cell so they're not that great.

Very proud of his praise/verse box.

Eating some snack and relaxing after playing hard.

He's praying here. We didn't teach him to fold his hands like that :) i wonder where he got it from.
Simon joining the "beach" fun too!
his octopus and his fish.

Poor guy is so so sweaty...just like his daddy!
Love that he sits so quietly listening to the Bible story.

It was a fun time. I'm excited for next year when Isaac is even more able to engage and remember!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I. Can't. Take. It.

Now he has a picture.....
...just like his brother did.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourf a July

Here are some photos of our fun rainy celebration with the Blinson fam:

Goodbye Bees

We recently had a yellow jacket nest in our backyard. I thought the terminator would be dressed differently. He was only wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Watch this video to see him get stung. Also, take note of how many were just swarming around out there. Hopefully they won't make another nest 3 feet from Isaac's slide.

Here is the hive:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011